Planetary Passion

In this enronomic disneyland of worldcoms,
flapping patriotic flags and so-called
“compassionate conservatives”, where
vulnerable  improbable events converge -
they shake the compost of civilization,
our values tumbled upside down, inside out:
cell circles of chaos - she's passionate
about the chocolate soil in which our
gardens grow. She loves
the fertilizing worms. Like them, we live
on nature's terms, will enrich the dirt
with blood and bone. She's passionate
about this planet (already raped by
careless men), where disintegrating
coral reefs - our oceanic ecosystems -
are now all breaking down. Rare rainforests
plundered, exploited, deliberately destroyed.
Raging global fires of extinction (mysteriously
fundamental their impact on moral revolution)
savagely burn, tear our jungles apart,
smother the lungs of the planet-
they are out of control, leaving
endangered species to flourish
only in captivity, subject
to the Euro or the Dollar.

In four decades one third of earth's
native species will have gone.
Non extant. Gone forever.
Twelve billion peoples' needs
must be found from diminishing
resources in a chemically polluted
cosmos of choking fossil fuels where
endless cfcs abound. In a fearful
and intolerant, greedy, obscene
and sinister world, a new cold war emerges
with its threat of nuclear power. Terrorism
and vandalism: an evil venom strikes
in this Tantric new Age of Aquarius. Ha!
when planets align in optimistic sweet,
sweet harmony. But, “All we are saying is
give peace a ... “ All we can do is
recycle, focus on peace. And hope.
Hope there's no disaster, no asteroid
comes crashing, for disaster means
bad star. She's passionate about
the chocolate soil in which our
gardens grow. She loves the
fertilizing worms. Like them,
we live on nature's terms, enrich
the dirt with our blood and bone.


first published sinister wisdom #63 2005