Transcendence: Free Again

   Two swallows swooping
      Nine frenzied circles
            Onwards, out to freedom

Oh yes, she sees, she knows she must move on,
     transcend, find solace from tranquil scenes before her.
With outstretched arms, she beams and breathes deeply,
      absorbed by beauty of these distant basalt rocks¯
in this magical light they glow as a solid golden temple
     that penetrates the cobalt sky.   Hallelujah!
Spring is in the air! Buds unravel, brash
      burgeoning colors wave everywhere. Impressionistic
dappled landscapes now: a breathing, rippling Pissarro is
      her open window, where scintillescent rainbows
in sprays of water sprinklers dance. Bees buzz
     Let's do it. An energetic sense of fertility exudes.
Vibrancy Abounds. Rejoice, in fragrances
    of sun-warmed jasmine, the cool frangipani nights
of swaying palms and gentle breezes - a season this of
  new                       beginnings

Deep breaths                 Deep breaths
           In                             Out  

Freedom. She smiles, finds heaven again, the heaven
   she'd wanted forever to share with another -
like these Welcome Swallows, to build, to nest, to grow.  
   Nine years they'd shared and cared for each other,
lost to enchanted love moments of peace and seduction:
     those magnificent sunsets, cool rainforest walks
through glades of palms and strangling vines.
   To sounds of splashing waterfalls or the songs of
mimicking lyrebirds, they made love on forest floors,
 felt fragile wetness on the womb of the planet.
   Feverishly passionate, their lovemaking soon became
tear-making. Pristine tears of ecstasy---
     madness, of course,  such bliss expired, her lover left.
 So, sadly now, she's naught but a bad dream,
       a ghost. Go with the flow, said she, and go she did.

One swallow swooping
   Nine frenzied circles
       Onwards, out to freedom.

