The Beat Goes On ...

No more will I hear the hirsute hippie say
I was blasted out in Bali, ripped, man,
all the way. Beautiful spiritual Bali

in Hindu funerary petals where students', soccer players',
surfers' and indigenous' scorched skin and blood
has spilled onto the killing fields of Kuta,

today a crippled paradise. Bliss only comes in
pethidine for pain of wounded damaged patients
whose island holidays have ended by seditious acts,

intolerant, insane. Last year, it was imploding
plundered towers in dusty grey rubble of corporate America.
An assault that hit the world.

War and bloodied pieces
More wars. The conflict never
ceases, never has.
I want to say it will.

In karmic havens of Kashmir
or Katmandu, and in Kosova,
Kandahar or Barcelona,

Belfast and Baghdad; Beirut
or Tel Aviv and other terrorist
plagued places of ruin and sorrow.

The world is overflowing with
frightened refugees; millions flee
to save their souls from mass destruction

of civilians - invasions on innocent human
lives by those who would control
our rationalist civilised times.

War and bloodied pieces. More wailing
wars and woes. The conflict
never ceases, never has.
I want to say it will.

Effervescent bubbles fermenting too long
explode. Slaughter and evil thrives. No matter
where you look in Scriptural or Koranic texts,

in everybody's holy book. Today, I read
that since World War II the USA has bombed
twenty-one countries, causing death

and destruction in foreign lands. We need
to know if this is true. Just exactly
which road is the safest way ahead?

War and bloodied pieces. More wailing
wars and woes. The conflict
never ceases, never has.
I want to say it will.

