Cyber Assault

I have been bombastically
cyber-assaulted with visions
of women's sexual orifices,
and naked young girls tied
up with thick rope, their torsos
splattered blood red - flashing
in cascading messages, images
my computer will not delete,
at once, persistent that these
hundreds of obnoxious classics
are meant especially for me.
I was in shock and panic.
I could not escape these hideous scenes,
they are the dirtiest, most vulgar
that I have ever seen. They were
relentless. I am filled with anger
that this was done to me, to anyone,
that people usurped humanity, spent
their idle time this gross barbaric way.
It makes me deeply saddened
to find at this late stage, peacefully
at home, alone, I, too, am vulnerable,
at risk from being zapped, invaded by
such gory video clips that viciously
attack us, each and every woman.

