adored teddy bears          
on tiny white coffins
at the funeral


my beautiful moon
what schmuck would dare think
to blow you up?!

a sigh of relief
big bird takes off
back to the same

first published New Verse News

                                                          on the nose
                                                          at the races  


a cup of joe
and a donut
for your vote


swells, surges,
under the boardwalk


from the edge
a fearless sonic dive
breaks all records


                                                                           where Paddy's Bar was    
the revelers stop
to remember


but for that dingo
she would now be
age thirty-two

the slaughter
in Syrian streets

progress in Tunisia
the torture department
is now abolished

©barbaraataylormay2012                                    white foam bubbles
trailed by a large shadow
in bloody waters


new beginnings
a spinning rainbow
on the harbour bridge


the Silly Season   
cricket, cricket
and crickets


at day's end       
the art of stillness
and deep rest


how dapper
that buffoon who walks


workers' rights...
the flying kangaroo
is grounded


wolf, monkey, bear
playing on the banks
of the Ohio


ten years on
still, poppies take over
the valley


Aunty Sam
over the moon
with the US open!


ripples in the pool
three thousand souls speak
but no-one hears


summer storm
the martyrs' square
turns green


polar fleece nights           
it's brass monkey time
in the granite belt



Hurrah! the return
of Happy Feet
to the Pole

freer now
there's no more
news of the world


tornado season         
… home after home
become pancakes


Obama seeks out
an apostrophe
in shamrock lands


defended by his wife
the purveyor of hate
is slain


onto rich red soil
hibiscus petals fall
on a loyal friend


Friday jitters                      
our earth wobbles
on a rocky road

100 years on
for women still
a looooooooooong way to go


- IWD 2011

heading for the stars
Discovery's final journey
takes off

crumbling earth
the pancaked buildings
obliterate bodies


what does the Sphinx
say about the
facebook revolution?


meow, yur honur
poor pussy is told
she's out of order


                                                                                             a tinny
tied to its pontoon
smashes the bridge


a city sinks
into swollen brown waters
summer rains

Kitty Hawk
hits the bottom
of a cold sea


smoker’s plan
preparing for cessation
ruled by the moon...
only once more full before
the year of the rabbit!

first published in Eucalypt e-challenge #9 Year of the Rabbit

Rejoice! Rejoice!
Chinese New Year
the mining forecast
a very good year
for metal bunnies

first published in Eucalypt e-challenge #9 Year of the Rabbit’

tinny leaks
Tasho's drips splash
onto the tiles

human rights...
his empty chair
says it all


four upturned legs        
caught between rocks
in the swollen river


koalas beware
Oprah and her tribe
invade downunder

it's 30 years
still no peace


World Aids Day...
orphans raise the flag
outside the township


waning moon     
all hopes dashed
at Pike River

the celtic tiger
can only purr
in the corner


free at last
but can she speak
her mind?


left heaving
ash-covered oxen
under Merapi


between palm branches
a splintered surfboard


en route to Vermont, 2007

sixty nine days down…
now fresh Chilean air
restores faith


the principal says
a kookaburra's life
cannot be gay!


democratic sin          
aggrieved pollie advises
make a blank vote

                                                                             operation freedom? -    
                                                                         after seven deadly years
                                                                              the US exits death


coming to life
in gold treasures      
the dark ages

in Zimbabwe
or die in ZA...
what choice?


damned spies...
a new cold war


under fire
between the street stalls
crushed red shirts


a new home
Little Orphan Annie
goes digital     

der Rottweiler condemns
sexual abuse


the difference
between b and m
is a slump!


in marsh lands
a slippery sludge
sheens on wings


our on-line affair   
by a storm

first published Sketchbook Valentinethread 2010

Obama Say:

"...been there, done that..."
hallelujah! the moon saved
from golden arches


heritage-protected the leprechauns smile...toadstools for all


under concrete slabs
a wriggling finger
offers hope


sorry tiger
licks his


after 27 years
Mandela's first steps                
freedom at last…
two decades later
the townships' struggles live on


over the valley
the kookaburra calls
new year greetings


climate change
number one
on the agenda


in limbo
the Oceanic Viking
on rocky waves

red dust
swallows the sky -
spring equinox


liberation -
emancipated women
 in bloomers
bloody riots
freedom of speech
on Teheran's streets


twenty years on
Tiananmen heroes
not forgotten


                                                               hibernation a coiled python chills out


ten years on
what did you learn?


                                                   in disgrace
                                                   he madoff
                                                   to jail


to Geraldine …
her poetic voice
is still heard


don't recognise
his birthday


red orb rising-         
sweet scents of frangipani
through the smoky air        
a warning
it's too late to depart


 hugs all round
finding neighbours


Australia Day
On the Chinese New Year
Welcome to new migrants
Becoming Dinky Di


must be
his Irish ancestry
O'bama's sworn in twice
to be sure
to be sure


                             on King's platform
                                in Lincoln's steps
                                   Obama recalls dreams


                                                                “It's not my fault”          
                                                                 ducking for cover
                                                                 the dodgy bush                
                                                                 a living legend
                                                                 leaves in disgrace

ready with her axe
as strong as an ox
thanks to vitamins


90 years on
9 million dead soldiers
we remember them
the scarlet poppies still grow
the battlefields continue


sharing the sun
my longest
your shortest

first published IHT Asahi Shimbun Haikuist Asahi Network, 2009

in zimbabwe
only grave-diggers
                                                                                          have jobs

                                                                                                                          first published Moonset Literary Newspaper  spring/summer 2009

a decade of excess
by greedy bankers
c for collapse


change has come
to america!

take chances
in swinging states
be proud


socializing losses
toxic corporate debts
for Main Street


the ninth lunar month
sighting the crescent moon
fast from dawn to dusk...
now, quieter celebrations
forty less bombings


vote for me
mugabe's final offer,
or starve


Go, Jiang Xiaojuan!
her village devastated
breastfeeds nine babies
this madonna of China
Mother of the Year


kids stolen at night
turned into slaves
or killing machines


in paddy fields
the splintered hulls
of capsized boats


made in China                                                                        carbon offsets                
the Snow Lion flag                                                                 increasing emissions        
banned in China                                                                     trading agronomy  
©barbaraataylorapril2008                                                                                   ©barbaraataylorapril2008

                      female advancement making women  without the y


                                                                                                              this six-ring circus
a journey of harmony behind steel fences


blessed be!
a million dollars per day
the rottweiler's trip


shock and awe
still counting the dead
five years on


outside the temple
stinging eyes                                           


in a message stick
of sorry

Sorry Day,  Australia, 13 February 2008

becoming human
after conversion                                     


                                                                          no energy left
to light up our world--
the tipping point


Five years on
Frightened World

Five Years On
Frightened World

 September 11 2006                                                                                

                                                  white flags wave
                                         a choice is made
                               my mother or my child?


life giving
taking for some


woman on top-                                 
tall poppies                          

first published Folly 2006

seeking snow shelter


29 August 2005

Kill to have fresh water, food
Abandoned like rats in a sinking ship
Tricked into moving to more danger
Rescued six disastrous days later
Interred by bursting dikes
Nature is the greatest force
America cannot control




our world wobbled
great waves swamped
swallowed shores in paradise

~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~   ~~~~`~~~~~~~~  ~~~
  ~~~~   ~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
~~~  ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
Lines of Constant Pressure


~ ~~ ~ ~~

Downtown Darfur           

Bony stallion collapses
Weighted down, wasted
Fleeing refugees go back
Give him a proper burial


trains of death
in foggy nights
let not the past
become the future


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