without hearing
the kooka's cacophony
on time every day
I would be estranged
in some other land
(this tanka first published in Lynx, February 2008)
 Your comments are very welcome. I hope you enjoy the poetry. Thank you for visiting this site.
you can hear other samples of my women's poetry at
some of my publications on-line and print:
5. Fast fiction at Doorknobs and BodyPaint On Becoming A Woman
A Poisonous Poem and Contemplations <>
8. Tanka in Ribbons, Tanka Society of America Journal, Spring 2006
9. Two poems, "So Long Old Mate" and "Moving On" in the new issue of Sinister Wisdom #68/69 on the theme of Death, Grief, and Surviving, available at
10. Radio interview with Merry Gangemi Woman-Stirred Radio <>July 20, 2006
12. First prize in the Contest, A Picture Worth 500 Words, with her poem "On Stage"
13. haiku at Stylus Poetry Journal, October 2006 <>
15. a tanka in Wisteria, A Journal of Haiku, Senryu and Tanka Issue 3, October 2006
16. a poem Vibes, Earthbeats, Tribes in Harrington Lesbian Literary Quarterly, Vol 7, #2, October 2006
17a poem, Perspectives at
18.a poem, Stalking Faeries in An Anthology of Nimbin Poets, Midlight At The Oasis, 2007
23. a poem At Year's End in That Festive Feeling Anthology, Forward Press, UK, April 2007
24. a cinquain, Waking Up in SP Quill, Spring Issue, April 2007
28. a tanka,'walking hand-in-hand home' , and Not Only For Oranges, an alphenga, with Moira Richards, South Africa, and Shayla Mollohan, USA. in Kokako #6, May 2007, a New Zealand print magazine of haiku, haibun, tanka and related genres
29. two haiku, her lover's return, and, on guard, in Haiku Scotland Journal, Issue #13, June 2007
31. a haiku in International Haiku Anthology, Crickets and Chrysanthemums, published by la revue haiku in Romania, June 2007
32. two poems, Optimism and She's Gone, I'm Strong, published in Queer Collection: Prose and Poetry 2007, Fabulist Flash Publishing, NV, USA, June 2007 <>
33. a rengay, Silvery Streaks, collaborative piece with Moira Richards (SA), in Poemeleon, the form issue, June 2007 at
36. a poem, After Heavy Wetting, finalist in the Fourth Annual International Ultra-Short Competition sponsored by The Binnacle,
42. tanka, water phobia, in Eucalypt#3, A Tanka Journal (Australia) November 2007
43. five tanka in Landfall Anthology, Landfall: Poetry of Place in Modern English Tanka, edited by Denis M. Garrison and Michael McClintock, Modern English Tanka Press, Summer 2007 for hundreds of miles/braking/bull-dust balloons, my homeward route/koala available at
44. two tanka by his side and how many moons in Kokako #7, New Zealand Magazine of haiku, tanka, haibun and related genres Fall 2007
45. a triparshva renku, A Python Coiled, by Barbara A Taylor (Aus) and Moira Richards (SA) at Moonset, The Newspaper, December 2007
46. haiku, dinky-di summer in Moonset, The Newspaper, November 2007
47. a tanka, under the cool shade, in Moonset Newspaper, December 2007
49. haiku, moonlight in FreeXpression, December 2007
51 . a yenga, "Waiting For The Tooth Fairies" by Barbara A Taylor and Moira Richards, two tanka, without hearing and at self reflections, and a haibun, "Here and There" in February issue of LYNX 2008.
53. three tanka sequences, Geriatric Tanka, Manhattans on the Mountain Top, Fighting Cloud Women, and an individual tanka in Atlas Poetica: A Journal of Poetry of Place in Modern English Tanka, MET Press, Baltimore, Spring 2008
54.three haiku in Haiku Calendar Ludbreg 2008,(now in a book form) Croatia
63. a poem, There Is Nothing Lovelier, the Queer Collection: Prose and Poetry 2008, an international collection of gay, lebian,bisexual and transgender and queer authors, Fabulist Flash Publishing, Nevada, June 2008
74. a triparshva renku, Tarried Road Workers, with Moira Richards (ZA) and Claire Chatelet (UK), in Simply Haiku, Winter 2008
79. 10 tanka in MET #10 Winter 2008 supper's not finished/along the riverside/unraveling jasmine/future planning/power unleashed/I'm transfixed/each day my welcome/during autumn/every rap artist/from the red desert
81. a haiku, "firecrackers", in IHT/Asahi Shimbun Asahi Haikuist Network 2009
86. awarded a commended tanka with "Never break your thread..." in the 2nd Kokako International Tanka Competition, 2009
90. a haiku, "hugs all round..." in OZYNSA (YNSA Medical Practitioners' Australian Newsletter), February 2009
92. 2 rengay, "Between The Steps", collaborative poem with Martin G Cohen, USA, and a solo rengay "A Fresh Start", 4 tanka, "occasionally ...", "a new morning ...", "through the darks ..." and "drifting, merging ..." published in Sketchbook, March 2009 at
94. a haibun, "As If It Does So Just For Me", Highly Commended in Kikakuza International Haibun Contest, 2009.
95. a triparshva, "Fiddling With Their Blarney", with Moira Richards (ZA), on The Blue Fifth Review, Spring/Summer 2009
96. a tanka, "ferocious flames", in Red Lights, print journal, A Tanka Journal, June 2009
99. two haiku, "on the bluff" and "twilight sky" in Riverbed, April 2009
100. a haibun, "Waiting For A Rainbow" and a tanka, "morning sunlight..." in print journal, Kokako #10, April, 2009
101.a haiku, "going with the grain", a Worthy Mention in 2009 Haiku Contest, in FreeXpresSion, June, 2009
103.two haiku, "in Zimbabwe ..." , "a copper moon", and a tanka, "Who Am I?..." published in Moonset The Literary Newspaper, Spring 2009
105.haiku, "my guard of honour..." , an Honourable Mention in Haiku Journal Romania-Japan Cultural Influences Contest April 2009
108. a haiku, forthcoming in Magnapoets Anthology Series 1 - One Hundred Droplets, A collection of Japanese form poetry celebrating and exploring spring and summer, and a tanka in Magnapoets Anthology Series 2 - While The Light Holds, A collection of Japanese form poetry celebrating and exploring autumn and winter.
109. three haiku in War Anthology, forthcoming
111. a tanka, "her obituary..." Magnapoets Journal, July 2009
112. a villanelle, "Villanelle To Geraldine", in Crannog #21, Summer Issue, June 26 2009
115. an autumn junicho, "Thistles Bloom Again", by Barbara A Taylor (Aus) and Vasile Moldovan (Ro)
in Haiku Scotland, June 2009 Haiku Scotland 20 and in Albatross, Magazine of the Constanza Haiku Society of Romania
120.two tanka, "18 years later" and "tied to a red rose" e-challenge, Eucalypt, June 2009.
121.two haiku, "not feeling groovy" and "yes we can"on 3LightsGallery, July, theme, Summer of Love
122.a tanka, "ferocious flames" in Red Lights, print journal, June 2009
128. a tanka, "summer rains," and a haiku, "in Zimbabwe," in Moonset The Literary Newspaper, Fall/Winter 2009
129.two haiku,"dissolving...," "sleeping granny," and three tanka, "a daddy longlegs," "welcome swallows," and "at the mouth,"
at Kokako#11 print journal, September 2009.
131. a tanka, "crimson night," in Ribbons, Journal of the Tanka Society of America, Fall 2009
132. two poems, "my world is full of wires" and "Cumulonimbus" in Concise Delights, A Journal of Short Poetry, Issue 1, print edition, Summer 2009
133. two haiku, "spring sepia" and "Turning gold," in Ginyu International Haiku Magazine, Japan, print edition #43, Summer 2009.
134. two haiku, "arm-in-arm," "a squirrel sprints," and two tanka, "next to me," and a daddy longlegs," in print edition of Canadian Zen Haiku, Summer 2009.
139. Certificate of Merit for Excellent Work for tanka, "between black stumps," at Sixth International Tanka Federation's Contest, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.
144. haiku read and projected at Riverbeats 2009, A Festival About Water, Sydney, Australia, 31 October, 2009
145. two haiku, "autumn light" and "new found love" in UK print journal, Time Haiku, November 2009
147. a tanka, "searching," in Eucalypt #7, November 2009
151. a haiku, "against azure," and a haibun, "Too Many Butts," in Frogpond, Journal of The Haiku Society of America, Winter Issue, 2010 Issue 33.1
154. two tanka, "my new year," and "year of the tiger," in Eucalypt E-Challenge 2010.
155. tan renga with Michelle Alkerton in Lynx, February 2010, 4 tanka "for 18 days," "in rubbish piles," "a flashing santa," and "blue irises," a poem, "Playing With Death," and a haibun,"Waiting For A Rainbow," at Lynx, February, 2010
157.a collaborative poem, a triparshva, "Centre Tree," in Frogpond, Vol.33.1 Winter Issue 2010
158. a haibun, "On The Way To Santa Fe," in Shamrock, Journal of The Irish Haiku Society, #13, 2010 at
159.a haiku, "haiku pulsing," selected for the 2nd Annual Basho Haiku Challenge chapbook, to be published in mid-2010 by The Lilliput Review.
161.a haiku, "sailing stars," in Magnapoets, Issue #5, January 2010
164.a haiku, "against azure," and a haibun, "Too Many Butts," in Frogpond, Journal of The Haiku Society of America, Winter Issue, 2010
166.a haiku, "helicopter blades," and three tanka, "I must confess," "as if outside," and "driving," in Kokako#12, April 2010
167. a New Year's junicho entitled, "first full moon rises," composed by six poets from six continents during January and February 2009, and a triparshva, "Soughing Pines," in Moonset The Literary Newspaper, Spring/Summer issue, 2010. (their last issue)
173. six tanka, "on my verandah," "along cobbled streets," "at the antiques sale," "next to mine," "all that's left, " and "pretending," in print/on line journal, Atlas Poetica #5, Poetry of Place in Contemporary Tanka, March 2010, at
177.a haibun, "Home Sweet Home," awarded an Honourable Mention in Kikakuza International Haibun Contest 2010.
180. a tanka, "gnarled banksias," forthcoming in Tiny Words, poem of the day, 20 July, at
184. a tanka, "troubled skies," and a haiku, "stoking the embers," forthcoming in Summer issue of Magnapoets, June 2010
185 four haiku, "her blackberry'," "firecrackers," "summer mornings," and "a fairy's shelter," forthcoming in Haijinx, at
188.three haiku, "rolling in," "beneath the pine," and "pink tiny fingers" in Ambrosia: Journal of Fine Haiku, #5,
191. a tanka, "outside my window," selected for 25 Aussies, Tanka of Place, forthcoming Atlas Poetica, September 2010.
194.a haiku, "between dead lambs," forthcoming in NZ print journal Kokako #13, Summer 2010.
196. two haiku, "something creepy," and "at sundown," in print journal, Presence, #42, Autumn 2010
198. five haiku, "winter morning," "morning sun," "summer moon," "late afternoon," and "pecking holes,"
199. a haibun, "Waiting For You," Frogpond, The Journal of the Haiku Society of America, Vol 33, #1, Winter 2010.
200. a haibun," piercing blue," forthcoming at Simply Haiku, Autumn, at Simply Haiku, Autumn 2010, Vol. 8. No. 2 at
201.verses in "Our Monkey Masks," an autumn nijuin, in Blithe Spirit, The Journal of the British Haiku Society, September 2010
202. five haiku, "winter morning," "summer moon," "late afternoon and "pecking holes," in Simply Haiku, Autumn 2010, Vol. 8. No. 2 at
205. a haiku, "new dawn," awarded a Haiku of Merit in World Haiku Festival 2010, Nagasaki, Japan, Haiku Competition, at
207.two tanka, "summer's heat stifles," and "on my screen," in Bats, Bugs, Crawlies and Bad Press, Eucalypt E Challenge #8, September 2010.
208.a haiku, "crescent moon," 1st Place and Editor's Choice, Neo Classic Haiku, at World Haiku Review, Summer 2010,, and two haiku, Haiku of Merit, "new coolness," and "rippling skyscrapers," at
215. a tanka, "misty morning," in Eucalypt #9, November 2010.
218. a tanka, "visitors," in Notes From The Gean, Vol.2, Issue #3, December, 2010, at
219. a haiku, "winter rain," forthcoming in Berry Blue, March 2011.
a haiku, "her blackberry," at, a haiku, "a fairy's shelter," at, a haiku,"summer mornings," at and verses in a kasen renku, "The Awakening," starting at
222. a haiku, "September moon," in Shamrock, #16, The Journal of The Irish Haiku Society, December 2010, at
224. two haiku, "New year" and "fortune cookies," in International Haiku New Year’s Festival 2011, Akita International Haiku Network, January 5, 2011, at
230. two tanka, "Rejoice, rejoice!" and "smoker's plan," in Eucalypt E-Challenge, Year Of The Rabbit, January 2011
234. five haiku, "snowscapes," "under Merapi," "icy morning," "la nina rules," and "morning ginko," in Simply Haiku, at
236. a tanka, "okay, rabbit," and two haiku, "drowning out," and "overnight," Kokako #14
238. verses in two junicho renku, "First Cool Day," and "The Button Jar," in Notes From The Gean, Vol 2, issue #4
240. a tanka prose, "Wandering," forthcoming in Tanka Prose Special at Atlas Poetica
242 a solo junicho, "Across Craggy Rocks," in Notes From The Gean, Vol. 2, Issue #4,
244. a junicho, "From The Balcony," renku collaboration with Karen Cesar, USA, forthcoming at Haijinx
248. a haiga, "shorter days," in print anthology Contemporary Haibun #12, Red Moon Press, available at
249. a haiga, "dawn awakes," in HaikuPix Review #3, Summer 2011
250. a tanka, "through a blizzard," in Eucalypt #10
253. a haiku, "frangipani fragrance," on Asahi Shimbun Haikuist Network Column, May 20, 2011 at
258. two tanka, "'spent morning hours," and "dinosaurs once roamed" in the summer issue of Simply Haiku at
260. three tanka, "next to KFC," "blossom time," and "she licks her lips" forthcoming in the Food For Thought anthology.
262. a haiku, "broken-hearted," in moonrise and bare hills, the paper wasp jack stamm haiku anthology 2010
263. three tanka, "I'm in awe," "already sprouting," and "outside my window," in Grevillea & Wonga Vine, Australian Tanka of Place, a Eucalypt publication.
264. a tanka, "through a blizzard," in Eucalypt, A Tanka Journal, #10, June 2011
265. two haiga, "dilemma," and "stroke of luck," forthcoming in Notes From The Gean.
268. a junicho, "Wisteria Blossoms," with Kala Ramesh and Don Baird, forthcoming in Notes From The Gean.
269. a tanka prose, "Wandering," in the Special Feature, ' 25 Tanka Prose', at Atlas Poetica: A Journal of Poetry of Place in Contemporary Tanka
271.a haiku, "autumn sunset," and a tanka, "no wonder," in Presence #45 Autumn 2011
277. a haiga, "dawn unfolds," awarded third prize in City of Salisbury Haiga Contest,
Salisbury, South Australia, and displayed at their Writers' Festival, September 2011.
279. a haiga, "dawn awakes," published in print edition of HaikuPix Review #3, Summer 2011,
281. a haiku, "disguising death," in Notes From The Gean, October 2011 at
283. two haibun, "As If It Does So Just For Me," and Home Sweet Home in Kikakuza Haibun Contest Decorated Works 2009-2011
287. two haiku, "Saturday morning," and "polishing brass," in print, Paper Wasp, a journal of haiku, Winter 2011
288. two poems, "On Silk and Soul," and "Things To Remember," in The Cento: A Collection of Collage Poems, edited by Theresa Welford, Red Hen Press, available at
290. a tanka, "an accolade," in Eucalypt #11 November 2011
291. a junicho, Wisteria Blossoms," with kala ramesh and Don Baird, on Notes From The Gean, October 2011, at
294. three tanka, "next to KFC," "blossom time," and "she licks her lips," in Food For Thought anthology, Ginninderra Press (Australia) November 2011
295. two haiga, "Golden Orb spider," and "python going up," forthcoming in HaigaOnLine.
296. a haiku, "waterboatmen," one of the Favourites, in Haiku Reality at
297. three haiku in 3rd Australian Haiku Anthology, published November 2011
298. a haiga, "new coolness," in Notes From The Gean, December 2011, on page 72-3 at
299. haiku and haibun in anthology, Shamrock Haiku Journal 2007-2011, edited by Anthony Kudryavitsky
304.two haiku, "late afternoon," and "stepping stone," in Magnapoets, #9, January 2012
305.a shisan, Each Raindrop Wheels, with Kala Ramesh and Don Baird, at A Hundred Gourds, March 2012
308. verses in a junicho,"With Good Friends," sabaki, Hortensia Andersen, Origa,Valeria, in The Journal of Renga and Renku #2
310. verses in a winter imachi, "The Thunder of the River,"sabaki John Carley, in Journal of Renga and Renku
312. two tanka, "there is only," and "year of the dragon," in Eucalypt E-Challenge, Year of The Dragon.
319. a haibun, "Melancholy Truths," in Frogpond, Journal of The Haiku Society of America, Winter issue.
330. a haiku, "a row of grim faces," in A Hundred Gourds, June 2012,
332 . a tanka, "a grateful mother," in the anthology, Take Five : Best Contemporary Tanka, Volume 4, Published by Keibooks, and haiku, "starry night" and "After one week," on Asahi Haikuist Column,
333. a haiku, "racket-screeching morn," awarded Third Prize in The Journal of Romanian-Japanese Cultural Interferences Annual International Haiku Contest, 2012.
334. a tanka, "by our bus stop," in the print journal, Eucalypt, Issue #12, June 2012.
336. a haiku, "intoxication," in Multiverses at Multiverses 1.1 - Haiku (PDF)
337. three haiga, "year of the dragon," "sunset," and "winter blues," in Multiverses
344. a haiku with Chinese translation, "rusty moon," in Haiku Page, August 2012, at Haiku Page 5.pdf
349. a tanka, "in my rebel days,"in The Melody Lingers On, An anthology of tanka relating to music , published by, October 2012.
350. a haiku, "that cane toad," in Windfall, Issue #1 - Australian Haiku Anthology, Blue Giraffe Press, Tasmania, October 2012
353 . three haiku, "across the border," "in Zimbabwe," and "tokens of suffrage," in Kamesan's World Haiku Anthology on War, Violence and Human Rights Violation. See
358. a haiku, "on her smart phone," a finalist in the Janice M. Bostock Haiku Award, published in the anthology, Evening Breeze, published by Paper Wasp, December 2012,
360. a tanka, "still intact," in Eucalypt e-challenge: Year of The Snake, January 2013
peace and love
in the loo genuflection what to do ©barbaraataylor2006